荷兰皇家航空确认,根据中国民航总局(CAAC)发布的通知,原计划在6月运营的每周三从阿姆斯特丹飞往成都的KL891航班及每周五从北京飞往阿姆斯特丹的KL892回程航班将被取消。 已经预定了该航班的旅客将会收到荷航的相关通知。每周六从阿姆斯特丹飞往成都的KL891航班以及每周一从北京飞往阿姆斯特丹的KL892返程航班将会正常载客运营。其余往返中国航班均按照正常计划运营。 荷航对此深表遗憾,并表示已经采取必要的商业措施以确保旅客拥有完全灵活的选择,无论目的地在何处,均无须支付额外费用取消或推迟旅行计划直至另行通知。同时,荷航也坚定地致力于在旅行的每个阶段为客户提供最佳的健康和卫生条件。 KLM confirms that in compliance with the rules set by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), flight KL891 from Amsterdam to Chengdu on Wednesday and the return flight KL 892 from Beijing to Amsterdam on Friday have been suspended for the month of June. Customers booked on these flights will be informed individually.The second weekly flight KL891 departs from Amsterdam to Chengdu on Saturday and its return flight KL 892 leaves Beijing to Amsterdam on Monday will operate as normal with passengers according to its regular schedule and all other flights to/from China will remain operated as scheduled. KLM regrets this situation and reminds that commercial measures – until further notice - are in place to guarantee customers total flexibility and to allow them to cancel or postpone their booked and or to be booked planned trips at no extra charge, regardless of their destination. KLM is strongly committed to providing customers optimum health and hygiene conditions at every stage of their trip